Premier Fixture and Albert 2 Pro Installation Guide

Step 1
Premier Fixture & Computer Assembly Instructions
Use the keys taped to the front of the display to open the Premier Fixture and install the computer into the opening.

Step 2
Albert 2 Pro Assembly Instructions
Unbox the scanner and install the four Albert 2 Pro camera towers.

Step 3
Install the USB cable lock
Remove the adhesive tape from the base and align it with the USB ports. Plug in the USB cables, place the cable spacer, and tighten with the thumb screw.

Step 4
Connect the Albert 2 Pro Scanner to the Premier Fixture
Connect the power cable and both USB cables to the scanner. Turn on the computer first and then the Albert 2 Pro Scanner.

Step 5
Connect your WIFI
Locate the WIFI symbol in the bottom right hand corner of the screen and select the network you would like to connect to.

Step 6
Activate the Albert Scanner software
Turn on the computer first and then the Albert 2 Pro Scanner. Locate the Albert icon on your computer and press and hold the icon to launch the software.